Movie Conversation Starters
What was the last movie you watched? How was it?
Do you prefer to watch movies in the
theater or in the comfort of your own home?
What’s the worst movie you have seen recently?
What’s the strangest movie you have ever seen?
What is the most overrated movie?
What’s your favorite genre of movie?
What movie scene choked you up the most?
Do you like documentaries? Why / why not?
When was the last time you went to a movie theater?
Do movies have the same power as books to change the world?
Which do you prefer? Books or movies?
Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?
Book Conversation Starters
What was the last book you read?
What book has had the biggest impact on your life?
What was your favorite book as a child?
Do you prefer physical books or ebooks?
What is the longest book you have read?
What was the worst book you had to read for school? How about the best book you had to read for school?
What book genres do you like to read?
Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books?
What book has influenced you the most?
What book has had the biggest effect on the modern world?
Do you think people read more or less books now than 50 years ago?
How fast do you read?
How often do you go to the library?
Now that indie publishing has become easier, have books gotten better or worse?
Music Conversation Starters
What song always puts you in a good mood?
Which do you prefer, popular music or relatively unknown music?
What was the last song you listened to?
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Are there any songs that always bring a tear to your eye?
Do you like going to concerts? Why or why not? What was the last concert you went to?
Who was the first band or musician you were really into? Do you still like them?
Records, tapes, CDs, MP3s. Which did you grow up with? What is good and bad about each?
What bands or types of music do you listen to when you exercise?
Do you like classical music?
What’s the best way to discover new music?
How has technology changed the music industry?
App Conversation Starters
What are the three best apps on your phone?
What’s the most addictive mobile game you have played?
An app mysteriously appears on your phone that does something amazing. What does it do?
How many apps do you have on your phone?
What is the most annoying app you have tried?
Which app seemed like magic the first time you used it?
What is the strangest app you have heard of or tried?
Which app has helped society the most? Which one has hurt society the most?
What is the most useful app on your phone?
What apps have changed your life a lot?
What do app makers do that really annoys you?
Phone Conversation Starters
How often do you check your phone?
Do you always have to have the latest phone?
What was your first smart phone? How did you feel when you got it?
What is the most annoying thing about your phone?
What kind of case do you have for your phone? Why did you choose it?
Do you text more or call more? Why?
What will phones be like in 10 years?
Do you experience phantom vibration? (Feeling your phone vibrate even though it didn’t.)
How do you feel if you accidentally leave your phone at home?
What do you wish your phone could do?
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